Help documentation


The webapp is the backbone of the mobile apps. It is mainly used by monitors to enter data, manage users ...

Supported browsers

Internet explorer

From version 9.0.


From version 3.0.


Minimum version depends on the used operating system, please update your browser if you notice that some media cannot be played correctly.


From version 3.1.

Software As A Service (SAAS) of own server?


For home situations and smaller organisations it is possible to use our apps without the need to have an expensive server infrastructure yourself. You will then choose for our SAAS solution, which means that your account will be created on our servers and you can access it over the internet anywhere you want.

Own server

In case of bigger organisations it is often necessary to have an own, internal and strongly secured private cloud. This is no problem, contact us for more information about a personal cloud solution.

Account types


A personal account is meant for home situations and small organisations. You can start using the full functionality of the apps without having to setup rights or provide a lot of info. When you request a trial period for an organisation you will also start with a personal account to explore the functionality.


When there a need for a larger tree structure to manage your users within your organisation and manage their rights, your account can be transferred to an organisation account. Together we will take a look at the structure of the organisation and configure this for you. contact us for more information about organisation setups.

Rights system

The rights system is mostly applies to organizations, for personal accounts the rights will be set automatically so you can start right away.

The web app is build by modules that bundle the functionality of one of our apps. Per module you can create functions that have certain rights. What a user is allowed to do within a module is determined by the functions that he is given. An overview of the rights within each of our app modules can be found in the web app part of the documentation of each app.

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